
America is no Longer a Constitutional Republic / An opinion by Behcet Kaya

America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. Why? Very simply, the Constitution of the United States of America is no longer being followed. We have two choices in the upcoming 2024 national elections: Bidenopolos, (whose ancestry is Greek by the way), the dementia stricken current installed president of the U.S. and the opposing candidate, Donald J. Trump, former 45 th president. Who do you choose when neither candidate can be considered worldly visionaries? Donald Trump is a merchant; a builder and he genuinely wants to do good for all of America. Unfortunately, every word he speaks is an exaggeration. No wonder he gets under the skin of everyday Americans. The other candidate, the gaffer, China Joe, pedojoe, or whatever else he is being called these days, has no clue where he is, let alone how to act like the leader of the free world. Did I say free world? Ah…now that is a joke. And the joke is on us. America is no longer the leader of the free world. America can n


  While attending a Moorpark College English class, we were given the assignment to write an event in high school that changed our life or one that we would never forget. I wrote the following: I was born in a very small village in rural northeastern Turkey. My village was situated at the lower levels of high mountains, the northern side was surrounded by gentle rolling hills. The higher elevations were covered with pine and spruce trees; the lower levels close to outer edge of the village grew oak and willow trees and tall grasses. In spring one can observe on slopes patches of hard snow here and there, while sheep, goats, and cows graze freely. Violet and yellow wildflowers covered the fields. Crystal clear melted snow water came down from the higher elevations. Occasionally on the hills and higher elevations mist rose up from the sun hitting the wet grass. A pastoral scene that even to this day I still miss. When I was fourteen my father and I had an argument that changed my l

Terrorist Attack on Moscow/An opinion by Behcet Kaya

A few days ago 154 innocent people in Moscow lost their lives, according to Russian authorities. It was a terror attack on concert goers. We must first analyze who benefitted from this attack and why? A week before the attack the U.S. State Department warned U.S. citizens not to attend crowded places in Moscow. In other words, U.S. authorities knew the attack was coming. A year ago, an Israeli member of parliament by the name of Weltman from Lukud party threatened Russia would pay a price. Clearly, it is Ukraine, the U.S. and Israel who will benefit from the attack, as well as Europe. The U.S. State Department announced, “We are with the Russian people and condemn the attack.” Daesh or ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, but President Putin does not believe it was Daesh. He is an extremely cleaver politician and we all know his background was the KGB. What no one seems to realize is that this attack on Russia is an attack on Türkiye. I would not be surprised if another

KAAN The Fifth Generation Fighter Jet

It is my personal opinion that in Türkiye we have more ‘traitors’ than any other nation. I will elaborate on that thought a bit later. But, I make this statement in reference to the event that occurred on the 21st of February, 2024 when Turkiye inaugurated its first fifth generation fighter jet in a flawless thirteen minute flight, from takeoff to landing. There are only three other nations in the world who have produced fifth generation fighter jets- the U.S., Russia and China. Both South Korea and Japan are still working on their jets, neither of which have successfully flown yet. South Korea did a brief flight, but they had help from the U.S. The Turkish jet, named KAAN, made world-wide headlines on February 21. With its successful flight it became the fourth nation to manage such technology. Mind you, to build a fifth-generation jet including the jet engine is more difficult that the making of an atomic bomb. The Turkish jet’s name, known as TF-X KAAN, is written in Turkish a

Where is our World Headed? An Opinion by Behcet Kaya

  It is my personal opinion that the highest danger we face in our world today is nuclear weapons.   I say this is because of the double standard regarding who has and who does not have them.   Due to this double standard the countries who do have nuclear arsenals include the U.S., Russia, China, England, and France, among numerous others. These countries combined have enough stockpiled weapons to wipe our entire civilization off the face of the earth. Their stockpiles number in the thousands. (Both the U.S. and Russia have over 6K each. Then there is Pakistan with 175, India with 164, and let's not forget Israel who has a total of 98)   Why do these nations have nuclear weapons yet try to pressure nations like Iran not to have them?   I remember in 1980s how the U.S. pressured Pakistan not to acquire nuclear weapons. The U.S. did so by putting embargos on Pakistan.   Did the U.S. succeed in controlling Pakistan? Of course not.   What took place? When India (who did h

Turkiye, The Wild Card Member of NATO

  In Turkic nations there is a popular saying, If the wolf separates from the pack it does so not because it needs to fill its hungry stomach, but it wants to tear its enemies apart and destroy them.   Now that saying goes well for Turkiye. Since 1976 Turkiye has not cooperated with everything having to do with NATO.   Why?   It is because in 1976, when NATO held its meeting in Istanbul, it secretly decided to divide Yugoslavia, a former Soviet Union ally. At the time of meeting Turkiye did not realize that NATO wanted to destroy Yugoslavia located in the middle of Europe.   During this time, the Cold War with the Soviet Union was at its height. In 1973 Turkish Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit warned NATO to stop its Gladiator program in Turkiye. Gladiator was a secret organization to destroy Turkiye from within. Bulent Ecevit threatened to close down the U.S. bases if the program did not stop its activities in Turkiye.   Then came the PKK. Formed in 1984, the Kurdistan Workers P

My Personal Analysis of Current Events in the Middle East by Behcet Kaya

  My Personal Analysis of Current Events in the Middle East Behcet Kaya One has to have a moral reason to go to war! During WWII Prime Minister Churchill of the UK issued that quote, “One has to have a moral reason to go to war. ” It appears that is exactly what the Pentagon did in 2001 in response to the 9/11 attacks. Supposedly we had a ‘moral reason’ to go to war. However, during George W. Bush’s presidency, Vice President Cheney was the one in the driver’s seat, not Bush. He instructed the Pentagon to arrange and orchestrate the Al Quade attacks on the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Not only were the Twin Towers attacked, but they were attacked with our own planes. What followed was the U.S. took action and invaded Afghanistan, even going so far as to bring NATO into the picture. A domino effect created what was known as ‘Arab Spring.’ Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Iraq all were invaded and now these states are failed states. Currently the U.S. has no legi